Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize?
So run that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24 (ESV)Home of the Panthers!!!
We have positive expectations that those who participate in St. Paul Lutheran’s programs will find enjoyment and success. There are no exclusions, students use their abilities to glorify God, learn the fundamentals of the sports, and learn to have wonderful sportsmanship.
Sports are a gift from God and a wonderful way to stay active and praise God with the talents and abilities that He has given to everyone.
We are a part of the Kansas City Lutheran Athletic League (KCLAL). We cooperate with this league’s regulations and rules. At this time, through the KCLAL, we offer:
Volleyball — girls grades 5-8
Basketball — girls and boys grades 5-8
Cheer- grades 5-8
Track — girls and boys grades 4-8
Athletic Handbook
Our expectation for all students is that they conduct themselves in a manner that is in line with our Lord’s command to “Love your neighbor.” Because of this the expectations for the athletes of St. Paul Lutheran are laid out in our Athletic Handbook.
Basketball 5-8
Track 5-8
Volleyball 5-8
Cheer 5-8